Spring into Summer with Cold Brew Tea
After a pretty damp Spring we are definitely happy to see some sunshine and it also gives us a great excuse to talk about one of our favourite summer coolers – Cold Brew Tea!
Many of you would have hear or tried iced tea with varying success but have you ever tried cold brew?
Cold brew is a process that takes a little longer than iced tea but the end result is well worth the wait.
So how do i go about making cold brew?
Well first off as with most recipes the quality of ingredients make a big difference and cold brew is no different. Premium leaf teabags or loose leaf tea will produce the best results and as if by magic we happen to have both.
Our favourite at the moment is “The Peachy One”, a delicious blend of Estate Ceylon tea, Peach pieces, Apricot Pieces and Papaya Pieces that makes a great cold brew https://newforestteacompany.com/product/the-peachy-one/
What you need
- your choice of tea (New Forest Tea Company recommended)
- A large pot or jug with a lid
- cold water
- garnishes if required
- Space in your fridge!
How to make:
If you are making your first cold brew ,the great thing is you can experiment with strength as you perfect yours. Start with the idea that you want to make a relatively strong infusion so if you are making a large pot add 3-4 teabags or 4 to 5 heaped scoops of leaf tea.
Next pour cold water into your pot (filtered if you can but tap does work) no we’re not going mad, cold water is the key. Then pop the lid on and put into your fridge for around 6-8 hours.
Once your tea is ready, remove from fridge, try a little to test the strength and then your ready.
As your tea is already iced you shouldn’t need to add ice as it will dilute so we’d suggest adding some garnishes for that insta effect!
We told you it was easy, so there you have it, a natural, sugar free summer cooler to enjoy with friends & family
We’ll be posting a video how to of this aswell this week on our instagram & facebook feeds & we really hope you enjoy making
Until next time
Ian, Kelly & Gracie